"Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food" -Hippocrates

The Desired Results

When a human mind clearly and continually visualizes an end result, with deep emotion and concentrated intent, then the formatted energy generated is converted into its mass equivalent- (the desired result)

By Jim Francis

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Aloe and Crohn's Disease -- By Yulia Berry

Expert Author Yulia Berry
Crohn's disease is an Inflammatory bowel disease that effects the digestive tract. Symptoms include abdominal pain, cramping, fever, fatigue, and bloating. Sufferers also experience a loss of appetite resulting in weight loss and many experience pain during bowel movements and rectal bleeding. It is a chronic condition that is thought to be the result of a overacting immune system which leads to the inflammation of the digestive tract. It can result in ulcers in the intestines and the thickening of intestinal walls.
Crohn's disease can affect the full span of the digestive tract from where the food comes in (mouth) to where the food goes out (rectum). Everybody who suffers from Crohn's disease experiences the symptoms differently and it can range from mild to severe. It is a difficult disease for doctors to pin down and, most often, immune suppressing medication is prescribed along with suggestions of diet and life style changes. Being a difficult disease to pin down, half of all people who suffer from Crohn's seek alternative treatments for their inflammatory bowel disease. More often than not, the treatment that they tend to gravitate towards is Aloe Vera.
Why Aloe?
Aloe Vera is a plant that has been blessing humankind with its natural healing powers since the birth of the first great civilizations. This small desert succulent with white dotted green lancelets has been the preferred herbal remedy for cuts, scrapes, and burns for hundreds of years and it can still be found in homes today. While most people know about aloe's external healing powers, what many do not know is that the healing compounds in the inner gel can also work internally.
Aloe Vera gel is full of glycoproteins and polysaccharides which are compounds that are thought to make Aloe such a potent and popular herbal remedy. Glycoprotiens can help reduce inflammation and pain that can often be associated with Crohn's. Polysaccharides are long chain sugars that promote cellular rejuvenation, spurring the healing process. These compounds can help coat the digestive lining and greatly reduce the symptoms of Crohn's. Aloe Vera also contains a couple hundred other minerals, vitamins, amino acids and nutrients which while help maintain a better balance immune system.
Aloe Vera Juice that has been safely prepared for consumption is available in many health stores. You can also harvest your own gel from your own plant. Just be sure to wash away the sticky yellowish residue that coats the gel first because it can cause diarrhea and intestinal pain.
Yulia Berry is an independent health researcher and author of the best selling e-book on aloe vera - Aloe - Your Miracle Doctor. She distributes a weekly newsletter regarding great home remedies and has written another popular e-book "Pharmacy in Vegetables" and dozens of natural health articles published on hundreds of websites worldwide.

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