"Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food" -Hippocrates

The Desired Results

When a human mind clearly and continually visualizes an end result, with deep emotion and concentrated intent, then the formatted energy generated is converted into its mass equivalent- (the desired result)

By Jim Francis

Thursday, May 20, 2010

One Unique Mexican Fiber Source

 Here is a fiber source I have never heard of but my fat loss guru says it may be a good addition to your healthy alternative diet. Jicama pronounced (hick-a-ma) is used a lot in Mexican cuisine. This fiber source acts as all fiber does and that is to clean & give that full feeling for appetite suppression.
Below is his communication to me in it's entirety.


by Rob Poulos fat loss guru
Hey William,

I wanted to share with you an old superfood that's been
around for centuries that helps to tame your appetite,
helping you get and stay leaner...

It's a weird vegetable that resembles a turnip and has been
around for centuries, though I only recently discovered it,
and it's probably new to you too.

It's called Jicama (pronounced "Hick-a-ma") and it's
appetite destructing powers are owed primarily to the
ridiculous 30+ grams of fiber in one medium sized serving!

It's also loaded with calcium, magnesium, potassium and
Vitamin's A and C.

After discovering it the other day in a Mexican dish I was
enjoying, I learned that it's quite popular in Mexican
cuisine and has a very unique flavor.

I'm told when choosing it at the store, you want to look for
the medium sized ones that are firm with dry roots... what
you DON'T want are the ones that have wet or soft spots on
them, which could mean rotting has started.

You can eat it raw or use it to spice up and 'fiberize'
stir frys, salsas, salads or stews... heck anything you can
think of!

Give it a try... I'm pretty picky when it comes to unusual
foods, but this is one I am going to try and make a mainstay
in my weekly meals.

Alright enjoy that super weird but extremely healthy Jicama
and we'll talk soon...

Here's to getting lean, strong and healthy for life,
Rob Poulos
Zero to Hero Fitness

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