"Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food" -Hippocrates

The Desired Results

When a human mind clearly and continually visualizes an end result, with deep emotion and concentrated intent, then the formatted energy generated is converted into its mass equivalent- (the desired result)

By Jim Francis

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

LOHAS: Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability

LOHAS is an acronym for a market segment of consumers that have become a $200 billion per year force.
These people in this market are us. The ones that buy at health food stores, the ones that try to buy the best affordable vehicles for both economy and minimal environment impact. We are the ones that are helping the alternative energy growth, the electric vehicle come back and the new mindset of consuming products that have recycling figured in to the bottom line.
We are the people of LOHAS and we're a $200 Billion  per year force that all industries have now been factoring into their plans and decisions.
For more info on us go to lohas.com
I would like to thank all of us for making a positive difference in our market place and the world.
We can continue LOHAS grow by buying the products that are part of the solution to our problems and not part of the problem.

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